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Notes from the Gathering: July 24 - 28, 2019

Wednesday, July 24

3:00 pm - Arrival/Registration

7:00 pm - Dinner followed by a discussion with June Levinsohn about her agricultural project in Haiti.

Thursday, July 25

8:00 - 9:00 am Self-serve Breakfast

9:15 - noon: Singing

12:00 - 1:00 pm Self-serve Lunch

2 pm - Setou Ouattara, Boston WILPF member: Report on her participation in the Collaboration with PDF and women’s peace groups in 2018.

4 pm: 4 pm: Meet the president and board of WILPF US: prospects  and plans,  Darien De Lu, President and Sacramento, CA Branch; ; Eileen Kurkoski, Secretary and Boston, MA Branch; Nancy Price, At-Large Board Member, Earth Democracy Comm. Chair, and Sacramento, CA Branch.


6 pm: Dinner


7:30 pm: Report on WILPF issue committees: Nancy Price: water; Robin: Disarm; Darien: Venezuela: Special efforts for 2019-2020 electoral period — Bringing our issues into the discussion.

9:30 pm or thereabouts: At the fire pit by the pond: keening/grieving: opportunity to mourn for losses both personal and political, led by Darien De Lu.

Friday, July 26

7:30 - 8:15 am Yoga

8:00 - 9:00 am Breakfast

9:00 - 11:00 am with Nancy Price and others: militarism, creating a peace economy, the F35

11:15 - 12:30 pm Sas Carey, report on her recent trip to Mongolia


12:30 - 1:30 pm Lunch. Check out ongoing solar cooker demonstration — Darien De Lu, long-time solar cooker, will offer  guidance and Q&A at random times.

2:00 pm Transgender issues: Burlington WILPF has recently become embroiled in a controversy over the rights of Transgender people and the rights of feminists.  One of our members, Peggy Luhrs, has alerted us to what she sees as growing intolerance toward radical feminism and women’s rights. She reports that feminists have been attacked by some radical trans-women for being trans-phobic, when in fact, she claims, their attacks are on women’s rights like the right of women to be housed separately, the right of women to compete with women who have similar hormone levels and not be taken over by high tetestorone transwomen, and data collection on sexual-bias in different institutions. This came to a head when Burlington’s Peace and Justice Center sought to prevent Luhrs from giving a talk to WILPF members about her concerns,  and weeks later called the police to prevent Luhrs from attending the annual meeting of the PJC.  What’s this all about? Charlotte Dennett will moderate the discussion, and Peggy Luhrs will respond to questions.

4:30 pm Climate walk to erosion on the West Branch of the White River, with reports of the climate crisis from participating members, and Joanne Andrews, manager of Wing Farm. To be held in the Bone and Rag Shop Studio in the small barn.

6:30 - 7:30 pm Dinner

8:00 pm Discussion with Gwendolyn Hallsmith of Vermonters for A New Economy and the Vermont Green New Deal, and Rickey Gard Diamond, author of Screwnomics: How the Economy Works Against Women and Real Ways to Make Lasting Change:  How can we connect our daily economic struggles to a larger system that imposes poverty and austerity for most, while enriching CEOs and military-industrial corruption at taxpayer expense? How do we link the personal with the political AND the economic?

Saturday, July 27

7:30 - 8:15 am Yoga

8:00 - 9:00 am Breakfast

9:00 - 10:15 am  Anthropologist Eleanor Ott will show color drawings “Spirit Beings” and share their  shamanic aspect. She has written: “The many roles of the ancient shaman will never be totally acted out again, the world is too much altered and changed. Yet there are aspects of the ancient work that are still valid today because all people share basic human needs for the nourishment and well-being of the body, mind, and spirit.”

10:30 - noon  Rickey and Gwendolyn will share the beginnings of a new alliance of women economic activists we’re calling An Economy of Our Own (AEOO), its declaration of purpose and goals for 2020, and plans for developing women’s leadership tools. We’ll seek economic democracy and participatory budgeting, both in the private world of business and corporations, and in the public world of local and national government. For more info on Rickey and Screwnomics click HERE.

12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch

2:00 pm:  “Political Theatre” with playwright Lesley Becker: Discussion and some readings from her play Red and Blue all Over, about the divide on the abortion issue. The readers are Charlotte Dennett, Katherine Vose, Lesley Becker, Barbara Soros and Laurie Larson.

4 pm: Women in politics in the US: 2018 - 2020. Reports on what happened and is happening in your state.

6:00 - 7:00 pm Dinner

7:30 pm: Global Issues: Barbara Soros: Struggling  Europe  - populists( Are they really so awful?)  vs neo-libs (perpetuating status quo)  and the rise of the greens -relations with Russia - the expansion of NATO ( access to Eurasia) - a separate military - and  not least - SOME WOMEN TO CONSIDER, and

Charlotte Dennett: What's behind the endless wars in the Middle East? And how is NATO involved? Charlotte explains the role of pipeline politics, petrodollars and the militarization of the Middle East.

Sunday, July 28

7:30 - 8:15 am Yoga

8:00 - 9:00 am Pancake Breakfast

9:00 - 10:30 am Evaluation and looking ahead.

11:30am:  Donna and John Moody will join us for lunch and for an update on indigenous activities in Vt. Donna Roberts Moody is a Tribal Elder in the Abenaki Nation and Director of the Winter Center for Indigenous Traditions. She has a PhD in Anthropolgy from the University of Massachusetts/Amherst. John is concerned about the preservation of the Abenaki language.

12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch. Gathering ends, but participants are welcome to stay and swim and hang out. You are welcome to stay until Monday morning.

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