Notes from The WILPF Gathering, August 14 - 16, 2021
Friday, August 13-15
On the weekends, beginning Friday, August 13-15, and 20-22, we will be taking part in the WILPF US 34th Congress by zoom. Join us on a group screen, or register and take part at home.
You can view the complete Congress schedule and register here: https://wilpfus.org/news/wilpf-us-34th triennial-congress. WILPF members across the country will be meeting to plan the focus for the next three years. Many exciting speakers!
Sunday: 3 PM on US Congress zoom link: Robin moderating discussion with 4 anti-nuclear activists: UNITING COMMUNITIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: RADIOACTIVE POLLUTION – DEADLY IN ANY SPACE
Monday, August 16
10:00 am - Introduction and themes for our week together.
11:00 am - Educator Laurie Larson on Health, Freedom and the Pandemic, with Sandy Baird
2:00 pm - Charlotte Dennett on Afghanistan: Do the women stand a chance?
4:00 pm - Jean Vertheim: Why I have written two books on the holocaust.
6:30 pm - Eileen Kurkoski: Highlights from Ray Acheson’s, “Banning the Bomb, Smashing the Patriarchy” about the making of the TPNW, with our group reading & discussing parts of the remarkable Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. View or print the 11 page Treaty
8:00 pm - Congress Zoom session: How To - Legislative Advocacy: Uniting for Effectiveness
Tuesday, August 17
10:00 am - Haiti’s Second Revolution: World Premiere of Robin’s historic film
Shot in 1991. Followed by speaker and artist Elsie Berrouet and journalist Jane Regan.
Also, June Levinson, who has sponsored and created a garden project (AKV) in Haiti since 1988, will join us, with two friends.
2:00 pm - Journalist and activist Eric Agnero from Cote D’Ivoire will speak on Africa.
Black Lives Can’t Matter Until African Lives Matter:
An advocacy for uprooting US racially biased support to French neo-colonialism in Africa.
Wednesday, August 18
10:00 am - Former Economics professor at UVM, John Summa, will speak by zoom about his soon to be published book Class Canceled: Keeping the Economics Curriculum Safe for Capitalism. This is a nonfiction book about the teaching of economics in institutions of higher education, and the narrowing of its aims with respect to broadly and critically educating students.
2:00 pm - Christine Meagher, World Language Education in Rural Vermont.
Thursday, August 19
4:00 pm - Remembrance and reading of poems by and for Phyllis Rachel Larrabee
Poet, writer and peace activist (1938-2021) at the Gazebo in Rochester Commons, VT
Friday, August 20
11:00 am - Eleanor Ott: a shared reading of her play Weaving the World Anew
2:00 pm - Birthday celebration for Eleanor in Rochester!
Saturday & Sunday, August 21 & 22
Stay on for another weekend of tuning in to the US WILPF Congress!
You can view the complete Congress schedule here:
https://wilpfus.org/news/wilpf-us-34th triennial-congress.
#laurielarson, #charlottedennett, #jeanvertheim, #eileenkurkoski,